Betty's Kennels

Frenchie FAQs
History & Overview:
The French Bulldog's country of origin is widely accepted as France. The French claim the breed as theirs, but others would disagree. French Bulldogs are a descendant of small bulldogs brought to England, but it is not known whether they were from France or Spain. Ironically, the breed was first registered by the United States in 1898. There have been many famous owners of the breed throughout history, including King Edward VII of England, as well as the French novelist Colette. To confuse origins even more, a bronze plaque was discovered with an amazing similarity to the French Bulldog with the inscribed words, "Dogue de Burgos, España 1625". Most people claim ancestry to France, noting that French lace workers brought the small dogs over to Britain. The erect "bat" ears of the breed have been credited to Americans.
In 1900, the breed was to make its first appearance in show, and an argument broke out about the dog's origins. The British were insulted that the French wanted to use their national dog of Britain, the Bulldog, as part of the name. Controversy ensued, but diminished. A French Bulldog club was formed in 1903 in Britain and Britain accepted the breed's club membership in 1912. The breed's popularity grew immensely, and by 1913, the Westminster Dog Show in New York had already received 100 entries of the breed. In 1912, at the sinking of the Titanic, a French Bulldog was said to be the only animal or pet to perish. The owner survived the catastrophe and sued for $1500 over the loss of their beloved companion. Today, this perky breed is popular in many countries.
The French Bulldog is active, intelligent, muscular and heavy boned, with a smooth coat and compact build; of medium or small structure. 'Frenchies' are bred primarily as pets and companions, but they also make good watchdogs. They are, to some limits, a smaller version of the English Bulldog. The main differences between the two breeds are that Frenchies are typically smaller in size, less bulky, and experience less bowing of the legs and fewer wrinkles than English Bulldogs, and of course French Bulldogs have distinctive "bat" rounded ears that their English counterparts do not. Frenchies are naturally born with bob tails, straight or screw. The breed standards in across the world vary only in color, as North America and England prefer lighter cream colors, while those colors are banned in continental Europe.
Frenchies makes good apartment dogs, but also enjoy roaming outside on a leash. They are wonderful companions to small children who love to play dress-up, or a lonely delivery driver looking for a lighthearted partner to ride shotgun. In a family situation, Frenchies behave like a child, demanding a great deal of personal attention and interaction. They are perky, bright, and intelligent. Frenchies enjoy families of any size, though some are more one-person dogs. They are willing to please, easy to take care of, and do not have the yappy bark most small dogs retain. Frenchies are a great choice for the fun-loving, humorous family.
AKC Group: Non-Sporting
Class: Non-Sporting
Registries: AKC, ANKC, CKC, FCI (Group 9), KC (GB), UKC
Other Names: Bouledogue Français
Type: Companion dog
Height: 10 - 12 inches at the shoulder
Weight: 18 - 28 lbs.
Coat: Short, smooth, close and finely textured
Color: Red, white, cream, black, blue, cocoa, lilac, or Isabella
Pattern: Brindle, pied, merle, fawn, or solid. Additional patterning may include colored points or a 'mask'.
Life Span: 10 - 14 years
Litter Size: 2 - 5 puppies
Temperament: Affectionate, playful, and courageous, the French Bulldog is like a child in temperament. They love to be loved, and want the attention. They are alert, good watch dogs, bright and inquisitive. They are fun loving, and loves to roam through the yard, though new house smells are just as exciting. They are obedient, friendly and willing to please. They are a stable breed, but sometimes stubborn. They get along with most everyone, including other pets as well as children. They are sometimes a one person dog, but can easily enjoy the companionship of a family. They are sensitive to their owners, and may sulk in the corner if they feel they've done something to upset their owner. Frenchies like to snuffle their owners.
Companionability: Good with kids. Frenchies' good nature makes them compatible with other pets. They need companionship - human or other kennel-mates - and will not thrive without it. Often bonding strongly to one person, Frenchies are especially good with children when raised with them from puppyhood.
Care & Training:
Basic Care: Teeth and nails should be tended to regularly. We recommend a daily rub-down of their coat with a rough cloth. Face wrinkles should be lubricated to avoid painful sores. Frenchies should NEVER be exercised in extreme heat, as they are easily overheated.
Learning Rate: High.
Obedience: Low. They tend to be stubborn, but are very willing to please when given proper motivation (i.e. snacks).
Problem Solving: Low.
Activity: Medium to low. Short walks on a long leash or relaxed games of fetch work well for the French Bulldog.
Special Needs: Protection from the heat and supervision around water (Bulldogs can't swim).
Living Environment: Apartment or house, fenced yard, cooler climate, and owners who will heap attention on them. French Bulldogs love families, but thrive on a one-to-one relationship with a specific individual. The best owner for this breed would be an elderly or sedentary person who lives in a city or suburban home.
Health Issues: Because of their short noses, Frenchies tend to snore and have some breathing problems. Brachycephalic syndrome, atopy (an allergic hypersensitivity), back problems, elongated soft palate, heat stroke, eye injuries and skin problems are also health concerns.